This week for P-day we went to a really pretty place close to the capital and to a museum here in Managua. We also played soccer in the morning and I sprained my ankle. It´s pretty swollen. Soccer here on P-days is super fun, we play with the ward and also with the zone some times. I´m reconnecting with my soccer skills and my love for the sport too. It´s real fun because it´s the fast paced, less players and space kind of soccer. I love it, and I´m not too terrible either. (= We also work out at the church at 6 in the morning every morning with whoever is willing to come that early (usually just the Elders and us).
This week Hermana Rochelle and I worked so hard, we contact everyone, try to have lots of lessons including lessons with members. Like all my time here in Nicaragua, but especially this week when I hit the bed I´m out like a light. We had a really rough end of the week though. We had a total of 0 investigators and 0 recent converts and the number of people in the church was super low too. It´s been weeks since we´ve had a family in church. I don´t know what to do differently though, and I´m out of ideas. We´re always really obedient too, even though the culture of the mission isn´t very strict on the rules. That´s the story of our whole district (minus our district leader, he´s some how got it figured out-- how to find success or something like that)-- we´re probably the most obedient district, most hard working most inventive district, and the district with the least success. It´s just a good thing that God´s in control of the work and not me because He says that his work will continue and that no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. So there´s hope. He works with flawed servants and the work still progresses.
I love all of your letters, they give me so much strength through the week!
Hermana Heather Merrill