Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Washing Machine, Real Shower and BOM challenge
Okay so questions first. I think basically we never have an address here in Nicaragua, it´s just going to be the mission office. I´m in Bello Horizante. I moved from the apartment I was in to a member´s house. I love it and the shower a lot! They have purified water all the time though. The members are natives. Our quarters are actually smaller than at the other house, but I like living here so much more. The spirit is stronger at this house. The big reason we moved is because the owner of the apartments we lived in before always had his TV on super super loud, in English, and he didn´t watch very good shows. The AP´s came to our casa once to get their projector back we had borrowed from an activity, and told us we should move. So we did. The members are so nice! And we get to do our laundry now in there washing machine! We´re paying them to use it, but it´s much nicer.
The pictures I sent were from a really awesome activity we had with the ward this week. This one was my brain child. I remembered when our whole ward was challenged to read the BOM and decided this could really help this ward. We talked about the BOM and bore testimonies, watched testimonies of the Prophets and Apostles, and also the invitation to read the BOM from President Hinckley. We challenged the ward to read with us by reading the story of the title of liberty in the BOM and then as our title of liberty everyone who committed to read signed one copy of the BOM. Every one who completes the Book of Mormon this year gets a certificate. We´ll keep reminding the ward. I hope people take the challenge. One success we had this week was more Menos activos and recent converts at church! It´s raining so hard outside at this very moment. It hasn´t rained hardly at all though for winter in Nicaragua! Oh, and I truly hope too mom, that Maria and Felix at some point go to the temple. That´s real success. That would be so Awesome!

Love always,
Hermana Heather Merrill
Monday, May 20, 2013
Happy in Nicaragua
I guess Nicaragua sent all the rain to you. This is invierno, or winter, the rainy season in Nicaragua, but we haven´t gotten any rain yet. It´s been really hot, in winter... It´s actually not as bad as I thought though. When we walk there´s a breeze and at night we have a fan blowing directly on us. The worst times are in family´s houses without a fan on. It´s crazy how fast ice melts here though! As far as fruits and veggies go, mom, I get some. Fruits more than veggies, if I had more time at night I would make a salad or something but usually I don´t, so I don´t buy the stuff for it. I did the first week I was here, but not anymore. The food isn´t bad here, I just wish there was less grease in it. The people who make our meal put so much fat in our food! I said the first week I was probably going to lose weight, but I´m actually not sure. (=
Mac N Cheese Nicaraguan Style |
Maria and Felix got married this week and Maria got baptized, It was so awesome!!. Maria looked so awesome and happy and I really think that family is going to be awesome in the church. Felix was a member and is now coming to everything, He wants to baptize his son and take his family to the temple. Belen´s mom has been in the hospital and Belen has been there with her, so we haven´t been able to make much progress there. Jimmy and Sadia are awesome, he has a lot of questions, and lately doubts, but they´re coming along. He just needs his own testimony. She really loves the church. We´re doing a FHE with them tonight. We have some new investigators, an old couple that came to church on Sunday, They´re really awesome, I can´t understand a word he says. (=
I´m still loving it here and I feel we´re making progress, but there is still so much work to be done. The Church in Nicaragua is so new!
Nicaragua Here I Am! |
Nicaragua Capital |
I´m still loving it here and I feel we´re making progress, but there is still so much work to be done. The Church in Nicaragua is so new!
Hermana Heather Merrill
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Arrival in Nicaragua : May 6th Letter
President Arrendondo and his wife Lorena. Heather's Companion Sister Chincilla from Costa Rica |
We are guessing this is the welcome to Nicaragua meal. The sister next to Heather is Sister Combe |
First Thank you sooo much for the package! I looove the stickers and the kids do too. I also love the pictures of our family, thanks so much! I've actually used them in a lesson. And the treats are perfect.
Alright. Nicaragua. Nicaragua is fantastic. I don't even know what to say though. I couldn't even come close if I tried to describe it. Also my comp is so nice, and she really teaches so well! I couldn't ask for a better companion. We're teaching some awesome families. I'm excited for all of them. Belen, Jimmy and Sadia, and Maria I'm so excited for. Belen and Maria are families to complete (which means there spouses are members). Belen made us lunch this week, with dessert even. She made a fantastic key lime pie! Who does that?! Maria and Belen both have fecha's and they're all super tuanis (spanish word of the week, only here in Nicaragua, it means fantastic). Jimmy and Sadia came to church this Sunday and they loved it. They're real awesome, they know a lot about the bible and all the stuff we teach them really makes sense to them. The really great thing about it is that they ask tons of questions. I think they'll be really awesome members after they get baptized. (they don't have a fecha yet, but I know they will soon). I walk so much! Details I've forgotten my area is in Managua and it's called Bello Vista, and my companions name is Hermana Chinchilla. The food is pretty good. I don't really have complaints. I can already tell I'm going to lose weight here though. We eat lunch at an Hermanas house, and when we get home we eat dinner, but with all the walking we do by the time I get home I usually am just really thirsty and only eat a little bit. (I carry water with me, but it is quickly warm, so when I get home I usually drink about a liter of cold water from the fridge (= ). My president and wife are awesome! Hermana Arredondo is hilarious.
Heather with her CCM companion Sister Taylor |
Sunday, May 5, 2013
April 23rd : Final CCM letter
Mission Buds |
So just by the way, the keyboard on the computer I'm using is
different because it's a spanish keyboard and I also can't enter
unless I push save draft so thus if my letters are horribly written
please don't judge (=.
In exactly a week I'll be in the field! Next Tuesday I leave at
4:30 in the morning to get on a flight to Nicaragua!! I'm told in
Nicaragua we get 1 and a half hours of email time! but I'm not exactly
sure when I'll email next because I don't email again before I leave
the CCM.
Esta Semana: the new girls arrived, and funny comment of the
week was from one of them. (This is after the first day aka. the
eternal day, around 10pm) Hermana Taylor and I walk into the room.
"Hello, how was your day!" (from us, we proceed to talk to them for a
minute, mostly us talking because at that point in the day they are
mostly zombies) and then one girl, "you guys seem so emotionally
stable and normal". Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
week was from one of them. (This is after the first day aka. the
eternal day, around 10pm) Hermana Taylor and I walk into the room.
"Hello, how was your day!" (from us, we proceed to talk to them for a
minute, mostly us talking because at that point in the day they are
mostly zombies) and then one girl, "you guys seem so emotionally
stable and normal". Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Walmart was good, I got some good stuff I needed, a big awesome organized notebook, notecards,
pens. That kind of stuff. Presidente was awesome and he bought us all
lunch and we didn't have to pay for our bus ticket. (I think actually
the mission payed for it, but we didn't have to!)
pens. That kind of stuff. Presidente was awesome and he bought us all
lunch and we didn't have to pay for our bus ticket. (I think actually
the mission payed for it, but we didn't have to!)
I'm so ready to leave the CCM and get serving in the field! I love, love, love my
night Maestro! He's so awesome and every night I learn something so
valuable I can use on my mission. He's really tough to teach to though.
Kinda like an onion you've got to peel and then your eyes get foggy
and so you can't see where to even start peeling. Ah well, good
Nicole, I miss you a lot and love your emails, keep up the good work,
I pray for you every night!
night Maestro! He's so awesome and every night I learn something so
valuable I can use on my mission. He's really tough to teach to though.
Kinda like an onion you've got to peel and then your eyes get foggy
and so you can't see where to even start peeling. Ah well, good
I pray for you every night!
Erika, I totally know how you feel- I would always count the weeks until I
could "breathe". Somehow though, it didn't ever seem the breathing part was
ever as good as it sounded. Or usually something else started happening. (= Ah well, love life!
Dallin- Thanks for your encouragement, I'll try to be the "best
missionary ever" for you! You would laugh if you saw what basketball
games are like with the sister missionaries. It's quite hilarious. We
don't really call any fouls and travels abound (=. Good luck on your
play, I wish I would be there!!
missionary ever" for you! You would laugh if you saw what basketball
games are like with the sister missionaries. It's quite hilarious. We
don't really call any fouls and travels abound (=. Good luck on your
play, I wish I would be there!!
Mom- I wonder if you could give me Grandma Merrill's email, when's
she home? I would love stories about my ancestors, and I just know
she's the one to ask. I'll for sure look into that package! Thank you for
she home? I would love stories about my ancestors, and I just know
she's the one to ask. I'll for sure look into that package! Thank you for
your example in my life!
Dad- thanks so much for your letters, they mean so much to me, and always
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