Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Washing Machine, Real Shower and BOM challenge
Okay so questions first. I think basically we never have an address here in Nicaragua, it´s just going to be the mission office. I´m in Bello Horizante. I moved from the apartment I was in to a member´s house. I love it and the shower a lot! They have purified water all the time though. The members are natives. Our quarters are actually smaller than at the other house, but I like living here so much more. The spirit is stronger at this house. The big reason we moved is because the owner of the apartments we lived in before always had his TV on super super loud, in English, and he didn´t watch very good shows. The AP´s came to our casa once to get their projector back we had borrowed from an activity, and told us we should move. So we did. The members are so nice! And we get to do our laundry now in there washing machine! We´re paying them to use it, but it´s much nicer.
The pictures I sent were from a really awesome activity we had with the ward this week. This one was my brain child. I remembered when our whole ward was challenged to read the BOM and decided this could really help this ward. We talked about the BOM and bore testimonies, watched testimonies of the Prophets and Apostles, and also the invitation to read the BOM from President Hinckley. We challenged the ward to read with us by reading the story of the title of liberty in the BOM and then as our title of liberty everyone who committed to read signed one copy of the BOM. Every one who completes the Book of Mormon this year gets a certificate. We´ll keep reminding the ward. I hope people take the challenge. One success we had this week was more Menos activos and recent converts at church! It´s raining so hard outside at this very moment. It hasn´t rained hardly at all though for winter in Nicaragua! Oh, and I truly hope too mom, that Maria and Felix at some point go to the temple. That´s real success. That would be so Awesome!

Love always,
Hermana Heather Merrill
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