Also the daughter of another less-active, the sister of Adriana, (aka the niece of Adriana) is going to get baptized next week.
BUT... I'm not going to be there. I´ll be in LEON. The hottest place in Nicaragua for the hottest time of the year. I'll be a Sister Training Leader with Hermana Tarax.
Heather and her Companion Sister Morales |
Heather's current and future companion Sister Morales and Torax |
But, Iré donde El Señor me mande. Allí me voy. (=
(I will go where the Lord sends me)
This week I had a really cool experience while we were on divisions. When I came to their area I realized they needed a lot of help. They really needed to find new investigators. So I proposed we fast for the day, so that we could have the help of the Lord in our efforts. Then we went to work and talked to everybody, absolutely everybody. At the end of the day we found and started teaching 2 new families and 10 people in total. One of which was committed to go to church and the other that the wife had had a dream of the first vision a few days before. Our faith was built. God does do miracles, but we need to remember it is from Him that we receive them. When we put our trust in Him and then work to show Him our faith and dedication to His work, He gives us miracles. He will always work miracles because His people in Nicaragua (and in every part of the world) need them. He loves them. If we aren't seeing miracles it isn't because God isn't a God of Miracles, it is because we haven't exercised enough faith to receive them.
Hermana Merrill
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