Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Christ is the Vine

One time there was a story shared in conference about a plant that was growing so well and so tall but then the gardener cut it down. The gardener looked at that plant all little and hurt and thought it looked so sad. It seemed to be saying to him,  "Why did you cut me down?" I was growing so well. And the gardener says it is because he had something else in mind for that beautiful plant. When the plant grew back it grew back strong and with lots of fruit, much better than it was in the beginning. 

In Juan 15 it talks about how Christ is the vine and we are the branches. If we aren´t growing with the vine we are not of him. Sometimes we grow without the vine, we are growing faster then the strength of the vine and not producing fruit. So, God lovingly cuts us down so that we grow with the vine. As long as we are obedient, when he cuts us down we will grow back stronger, with the Strength of Christ. Sometimes I feel like God needs to cut me back a lot. 

I´m saying all this because as I was thinking and reading the scriptures today I was looking back at my life before the mission. I realize that there was a lot of pride in me and I think there still is (God isn´t done yet, this kid´s got a long way to go to be perfect!!! (=  ) Things I did or things that were important, just aren´t important anymore. When you have pride you can´t have faith because you have faith in your own self. I know that as soon as I can truly let go of myself, my pride and lean on the strength of the Lord, miracles will happen. Paul talks about this in Acts, I was reading that this morning.

This past week I feel like my whole body just wants to cry! I don´t know if it is Matagalpa or what, but... I feel old! (= 

Thanks for all you do for me family. I couldn´t do this without you guys!
Hermana Merrill
With lots and lots of LOVE

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